愉悦感在产品开发中的作用. 在萨那最新的卡诺周的幕后.


两周前, the Sana Product organization put the roadmap aside 和 spent five days exploring how to delight our users.

这个季度的萨那仪式被称为卡诺周. It's rooted in a philosophy that helps us build a better learning product, 和 we've adapted it so that we can build a better team too.


更好的产品是快乐的产品. 狩野理论.

的 Kano model is a theory for product development 和 customer satisfaction. 它是在20世纪80年代由 狩野纪明教授. 的 core idea is that when product development focuses on basic needs 和 core functionality, 最终用户的满意度受到限制.

Kano argued that better products are made by delighting end-users. By moving our focus from fixing functional problems to creating delight 和 joy, 我们可以创造一个为用户提供更多价值的产品.

我们的工作总是包括卡诺模型. But to embed the principles 和 allow more creative ideas to emerge, we've evolved the model into a dedicated full-week Kano sprint. 我们每季度都有卡诺周. 的y're the perfect opportunity to follow our curiosity 和 focus on joy.

一周的快乐. 为什么我们知道.

Working with our passions makes problem-solving more rewarding. 卡诺周为人们提供了一个发挥创造力的空间. From that creativity, we can create joyful features for our products. An important part of the Kanomodels is enjoying forgetting about 'success' 和 'failure'. 实验总是有效吗?? No! But will the team have learned about lateral thinking, creativity, 和 what delights people? Will they have pushed 和 tested your tech 和 had different conversations that sparked new avenues of thought? 是的.

卡诺周与我们的一个 领导原则,“搜索全局最大值”. 在数学方面, a local maximum is the greatest possible value in a given area, while the global maximum is the actual greatest possible value. 所以当我们说"寻找全局最大值"时, we mean steering away from incremental improvements in favor of significant developments. 我们喜欢说, 如果你被困在局部最大值, you're too busy putting out fires to realize the whole forest is burning." To put this into context: our regular work is developing Sana. 我们仔细分配时间,并对我们的项目进行合理的界定. Kano weeks provide freedom to disconnect from our current responsibilities. We encourage people to work in different groups 和 have fun solving emerging roadblocks together. 这一周我们都可以挖掘我们的 天才地带 并考虑功能改进之外的问题.

快乐的团队. 快乐的产品.

It sounds simplistic, but happy teams do make happy products. Following our curiosity 和 digging into a fun problem is how we love to learn. 那种喜悦? 它会过滤到平台上. 的 无限的游戏 is central to our thinking at Sana; we're never done. Kano weeks encourage us to have fun, to think up ways to make learning more delightful. To ask: how can we make Sana even more joyful to interact with?

Playing with different skill sets provides a creative rest 和 reset for our team. 设计师正投身于编码, 编码员正在建议对Figma中的特性进行更改, 一天内可能会发生多次迭代. 我们允许自己走捷径,去探索. 我们快速迭代以找到最具影响力的最终结果.

This week-long break from the day-to-day requires presence 和 energy, 但它也提供了巨大的能量. 它重新激发了团队的工作乐趣. At the end of a Kano week, they return to regular projects filled with new perspectives 和 ideas.

卡诺冲刺在实践中是如何工作的? 一两个星期前, 公司的每一位员工, 包括商业团队, 分享他们对新功能的想法. 然后在开球前几天, all Kano participants choose their favorite problems 和 form new teams. 在一周内保持想法的流动和团队的融合, 我们每天都有午餐和咖啡休息时间。. 到周五,产品演示就准备好了. 全公司的人聚在一起拿出爆米花, 迫不及待地想看看建成了什么并庆祝这个过程. 的re's no better way to round off a week than with a Kano demo.

从想法到执行. 我们建造了什么.


We worked up 17 potential new product features ranging from big to small. That's the fun thing about optimizing for end-user satisfaction: sometimes, 你通过处理复杂的问题来实现它, ambitious problems; sometimes, 快乐来自于对细节的关注.

这一次, our most ambitious idea was Universal Search—utilizing AI to make an entire company’s knowledge searchable within Sana. 的 vast majority of institutional knowledge is scattered across dozens of apps, 在人们的脑海里挥之不去, 被困在模拟格式中. Imagine how much faster we could achieve our missions with all that knowledge at our fingertips? 这就是通用搜索背后的见解. It’s an incredibly exciting new product feature in Sana; Kano gave us the opportunity to take the experience to the next level.

在令人愉快的细节方面, 有滑动刻度和翻转卡片等功能.

为什么是浮动比例?? Imagine starting an Information Security training session in Sana生活 通过询问人们对这个领域的信心. You might use a poll on a scale of 1-10 to gauge this information. We thought it would be much more fun for each participant to drag their avatar along a scale. 感觉轻松愉快, 甚至有点傻, which is great for building psychological safety 和 increasing engagement.

什么是翻页卡? 在萨那,卡片的作用有点像幻灯片, 卡诺周, 我们想要探索如何让它们更具互动性. With flip cards, facilitators can pose questions 和 then 'flip' the card to reveal the answers. 的y can even use our AI-powered image generation feature to create unique images that sit behind the answers. 的se are the kinds of details that make it easier for people to engage with learning. 说到底,这就是我们在这里的原因.

我们决定将这三个想法付诸实践. We don't expect teams to produce production-ready features during Kano week, but many reach MVP level 和 then move into a product team's backlog for the next stage. That's what's so powerful about Kano: what starts as a bold idea can impact users within days or weeks.

你不可能侥幸有创造力. 你不能假装快乐. 上周, our team had both in spades because we were all present — delighting in the possibility of delighting our users. That's the kind of magic you can make when you choose to play the 无限的游戏 instead of playing to win. 我们很感激能在萨那玩这个游戏.


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